Why Choose Kerria?


Strong School Goals

  1. Development of the bilingual language skills needed for tomorrow’s leaders.
  2. Growing the positive learning attitudes needed to create enthusiastic, life long learners.
  3. Formation of the confidence, knowledge, and drive to achieve personal goals.
  4. Instilling a sense of responsibility and the sensitivity necessary become principled and meaningful contributors to our global society.
  5. Developing the adaptability needed to prepare children to thrive in an ever-changing world community.

Teaching the Whole Child

In order to grow children into the confident leaders of tomorrow’s world, it is important to develop their characters along side their academics. At Kerria International we approach the development and education of our students from a holistic approach and treat each child as an individual with their own skill sets, interests, and unique way of learning. Each school day gives students the opportunity to develop the following skills/intelligences:

  • Visual-Spatial
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic
  • Musical
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal
  • Verbal-linguistic
  • Logical-Mathematical

Exciting Extra-curricular Activities 

At Kerria we believe it’s never too early to develop specialized skills in your child. We proudly include the following extracurricular activities taught by trained teachers passionate about their field. These dedicated classes are used to both reinforce concepts introduced and taught in our thematic curriculum as well as exposing students to ideas and activities unique to that area.

  • Yoga
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Fine Arts
  • Field Trips